While Migrating, Consider: Migrating Complex Applications

The most complicated part of any migration is the migration of complex custom applications. We discussed the migration of simple content in our previous post, but the history and variety of complex applications make them an entirely different beast. Most enterprises have at least a few complex custom apps; those apps are often built over…


Files Are Not Enough

The rapid market shift to cloud services for enterprise content/collaboration needs has resulted in a large and growing demand for multifaceted migration solutions. Enterprises that focus primarily or exclusively on file migration are only addressing one part of the overall migration challenge, however, and risk stalling their new cloud deployments by not making all useful…


Eight Keys to Content/Collaboration Cloud Migration Success

CASAHL has learned over the course of hundreds of enterprise-scale migration projects that eight key processes and products are needed to ensure migration quality in terms of content fidelity, correctness, completeness, and user acceptance. We’ve also learned, from customer stories and experiences with inadequate migration tools and techniques (either from CASAHL competitors or home-grown), that…


Deployment Rationalization: A Critical Success Factor for Enterprise Content/Collaboration Migration

Deployment rationalization is the process of bringing all stakeholders in a content/collaboration migration initiative together to jointly prioritize and optimize migration project planning. For large-scale enterprise migrations to Office 365, rationalization is a critical success factor for effectively addressing complex content and collaborative app deployments. Our previous post, Comprehensive SharePoint Deployment Assessment: The First Step…


Comprehensive SharePoint Deployment Assessment:

Successful Office 365 migrations from on-premises SharePoint Server deployments start with comprehensive assessments. When enterprises attempt Office 365 migrations without first completing deep assessments of their on-premises SharePoint deployments, the migration projects are often unnecessarily expensive and can fail to fully optimize content and collaborative apps for new Office 365 capabilities, resulting in reduced productivity…


Migrating to Office 365 from Google Sites Doesn’t Have to be a Nightmare

Google Sites, typically available as part of Google Apps for Work when used within large enterprises, is a team site service that has some functional overlap with content/collaboration platforms such as Microsoft SharePoint and Lotus Notes/Domino. Although Google Sites hasn’t been strongly promoted by Google since it was first released in early 2008, it has…
