Our previous post explained how Office 365 is serving as a constructive content/collaboration catalyst for many enterprises that have, historically, struggled to gain business value from traditional content/collaboration products and services.
If you’d like to know more about the past, present, and likely future of enterprise content/collaboration market dynamics and how Office 365 fits into the longer-term picture, please consider exploring our companion document (PDF download), a 30+ page overview with sections including:
New enterprise content and collaboration opportunities: six trends collectively creating a content/collaboration crescendo
The enterprise content/collaboration twilight zone: how the stark differences between traditional enterprise tools and leading consumer Internet services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are causing content/collaboration complications
Enterprise content chaos causes and consequences: how today’s common content management problems evolved over time, along with an explanation of what’s required to leverage new content management opportunities
Enterprise collaboration chaos causes and consequences: a similar survey for collaboration tools and services
Enterprise application chaos causes and consequences: how collaborative applications have been used (and misused), along with requirements for leveraging new application opportunities
Leveraging the new opportunities with CASAHL DART: how CASAHL’s solution is uniquely powerful for helping enterprises fully leverage their Office 365 investments
The extended-play overview shares insights CASAHL has developed while focusing for more than twenty years on enterprise content/collaboration migration solutions.